2 Anime Download Sims Skin Textures

2 Anime Download Sims Skin Textures 5,5/10 1014 reviews

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Extracted body skin textures and tgi's - Updated 9/2/16 Hi everyone, For the last couple of days both CmarNYC and myself have been working on identifying the body skin texture files. This is a list of, as far as we know, all the body textures used in the default body skins. This might be helpful if you want to create your own body skins. The textures are found in the ClientFullBuild6, ClientFullBuild7 & ClientFullBuild8 packages.

But, I will also attach packages with the texture files to this post, to save you the trouble of having to dig trough the ClientFullBuild packages yourself. These packages can be used as templates if you want to create your own default replacement body skins (just replace the texures and put the package in your mods folder). First, the list of TGI's. Package file Size Type Description TS4FemaleBodyTextures.package 7,349,266 Unknown Size Packed Ratio Date Time Attr CRC Meth Ver ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TS4FemaleBodyTextures.package 73659 86% 16-09-14 17:17.A.

Also has converted objects from The Sims Online and Sims 2. Japanese and English site containing anime, manga and Asian skins. Magnolia Sims Exotic.

0E31D1BB m5g 2.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 73659 86% Description: A package file containing the teen, young adult, adult & elder female body textures. OBSOLETE (6.17 MB, 5559 downloads) - View custom content.

Package file Size Type Description TS4MaleBodyTextures.package 8,070,580 Unknown Size Packed Ratio Date Time Attr CRC Meth Ver ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TS4MaleBodyTextures.package 80892 80% 15-09-14 19:11.A. B28DD20F m5g 2.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 80892 80% Description: A package file containing the teen, young adult, adult & elder male body textures. OBSOLETE (7.03 MB, 4331 downloads) - View custom content. Package file Size Type Description FemaleBodyTexturesNew.package 7,695,530 Unknown Date Time Attr Size Compressed Name ------------------- ----- ------------ ------------ ------------------------ 2016-06-28 17:22:44.A 76674 FemaleBodyTexturesNew.package ------------------- ----- ------------ ------------ ------------------------ 76674 1 files, 0 folders Description: A package file containing the teen, young adult, adult & elder female body textures - updated for the June 2016 patch (1.64 MB, 2824 downloads) - View custom content.

2 Anime Download Sims Skin Textures

Package file Size Type Description TS4ChildBodyTextures.package 1,720,136 Unknown Date Time Attr Size Compressed Name ------------------- ----- ------------ ------------ ------------------------ 2016-09-02 10:56:41.A 17678 TS4ChildBodyTextures.package ------------------- ----- ------------ ------------ ------------------------ 17678 1 files, 0 folders Description: A package file containing the baby and child body textures.- corrected to add child fat (7.13 MB, 3359 downloads) - View custom content. Package file Size Type Description MaleBodyTexturesNew.package 8,501,736 Unknown Date Time Attr Size Compressed Name ------------------- ----- ------------ ------------ ------------------------ 2016-09-02 10:40:46.A 85570 MaleBodyTexturesNew.package ------------------- ----- ------------ ------------ ------------------------ 85570 1 files, 0 folders Description: A package file containing the teen, young adult, adult & elder male body textures - updated for the June 2016 patch - updated to add chest overlays. I'm trying to figure out wth is going on. No matter what I do when i try to import my modified texture to studio to replace the default one i get this error: The Sims 4 Studio - Version System.ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid. DXT3 is not a valid texture format for TS4, and DXT1 is not a valid format for a CAS texture in TS4. CAS textures need to be DXT5 with alpha and with all mipmaps generated. They also need to be the correct size for TS4 CAS textures, which is 1024x2048.

A non-valid texture can throw an error when trying to import it into Sims 4 Studio. If that doesn't solve your problem and you still get error messages generated by Sims 4 Studio, the best place to ask is their own site - nobody here is likely to know what the error messages mean!