Ahci Driver Windows 7 64 Bit

Ahci Driver Windows 7 64 Bit 8,0/10 3803 reviews

May 11, 2015  Windows 7 Pro (64-bit) Fails To Install AHCI Driver When I built my current computer system in May 2011, I did not encounter this problem with installing 64-bit Windows 7 Pro on the new 500 GB Western Digital HDD. AMD AHCI Controller Device Driver for Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit), Vista (32-bit, 64-bit) - ThinkPad Edge 11, Edge 13, Edge E10 and Edge E31, Edge E125, Edge E325, X120e,X121e,X130e.


I am now experiencing a similar problem to those with an Nvidia Chipset who tried to copy large files from the hard drive to a USB drive, causing Windows 7 to completely freeze. However this (AMD AHCI) issue is not just USB related, but it freezes when copying from one SATA HDD to another SATA HDD as well. The AMD AHCI drivers have worked flawlessly for four months straight without a problem, and recently have stopped working. Nothing has been installed between the last known date it was working, except for Windows Updates.

I looked through each update and they don't seem even remotely related to anything that could stop AHCI from working. After having the computer freeze 6+ times while trying to copy a file, I decided to finally uninstall all AMD AHCI drivers. Windows then reinstalled the default Standard AHCI 1.0 driver and now the computer copies files fine. I'm not exactly sure what has happened to suddenly cause the AMD AHCI driver to cause the computer to freeze. Is there a performance difference between using manufacturer chipset AHCI drivers and the standard Microsoft drivers? Ubuntu serial ports. Has anyone else had AMD AHCI driver issues like this? This issue has been extremely frustrating, especially since the drivers have worked until just recently.

I haven't gotten around to formatting and doing a fresh install to see if the problem persists. EDIT: I have also heard from a few others with different boards, an ASUS and Gigabyte motherboard, that they are having the same AMD AHCI issue. Windows 7 Professional 64-bit MSI 790GX-G65 AMD Athlon II X2 245 4GB DDR3 1333 MHz Memory 1TB WD Caviar Black Edition (SATA) 500GB 7200.11 Seagate (SATA). Producer sound kits free download. Looking back through the past 19 days I've seen five disk related errors: The driver detected a controller error on Device Harddisk2 DR2.

The driver detected a controller error on Device Harddisk2 DR3. The driver detected a controller error on Device Harddisk2 DR4. The driver detected a controller error on Device Harddisk2 DR2. Those were spread out all over, but during the times I had to reboot there were no errors around that time except for a report that the system unexpectedly was restarted.

Funny though, Harddisk2, which I suppose is my second SATA drive, is the drive that I tried to copy files from when it froze. Looking through the logs I'm seeing a lot of these errors, which I assume are my DVD drive since it is the only drive left using IDE: The driver detected a controller error on Device Ide IdePort2. The driver detected a controller error on Device Ide IdePort12. The driver detected a controller error on Device Ide IdePort9. Would it be detecting a controller error on the motherboard?

Or the device itself?