Igru Tank 2000 Uljtimatum

Igru Tank 2000 Uljtimatum 7,7/10 1436 reviews

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How is Shirk game-changing? Because it increases tank enmity exponentially, an optimal use of Shirk can solely fulfill the core tank responsibility of enmity management following the initial pull. Freed from one of their three duties (enmity, survival, and damage), tanks can forego their enmity combo and focus purely on DPS after securing aggro in the first minute or so of a fight. The effect is so potent that, at a swiftly reachable enmity threshold, Shirk increases the MT's enmity lead by over a minute.

Indeed, past that point (roughly 4 minutes into a fight), two tanks can retain and build an enmity lead without even attacking the boss, simply by alternating OT Provoke + MT Shirk each minute. The purpose of this guide is to optimize the early use of Shirk to reach said threshold as efficiently as possible. Optimization: Note that this analysis is tailored for coordinated statics that wish to optimize tank DPS.

Enter your name, company, and serial number, then click Next. NOTE: The Serial number can be found on the GaussView Tigerware entry. Choose a folder for the install location of the GaussView files. Choose locations for the Gaussview icons and click Next. Choose Gaussian file extensions to associate with Gaussview then. Gaussview 5 serial number.

While the recommendations and reasoning may be informative, many tanks should find it sufficient to Shirk regularly on tank swaps instead of following these restrictive timings and synchronized Shirk combos. Some rudimentary mathematical modeling highlighted these key points: Frontload the enmity: Thanks to Shirk's exponential enmity growth, the earlier enmity combos are used, the less of them are needed. Ideally, all the enmity combos in a fight will be used before the first Shirk, freeing up many later tank GCDs for straight DPS instead of enmity management. Note, however, that it's likely not worth intentionally sacrificing DPS to build extra enmity by skipping abilities like Goring Blade or extending the time spent in tank stance - just take the minor loss swapping out Storm's Path for Butcher's Block and reap the rewards later on. Stagger Shirk usage: While the 'Circle Shirk' recommended in the referenced post is certainly alluring, it's generally not optimal. Because the enmity granted by Shirk is greater the later it is used, staggering Shirks roughly 60 seconds apart creates a smoother enmity curve that reduces the risk of losing aggro. For example, given a DPS class that generates a constant 4000 enmity per second through damage, and two tanks that generate 2000 enmity per second through pure DPS, if the tanks generate 220,000 enmity through their multipliers in the first 30 seconds and then swap to pure DPS, using Shirk at 0:30, 1:30, 2:30, 3:30 and so on, they will never lose aggro.