Gpro Tyre Calculator

Gpro Tyre Calculator 6,1/10 6620 reviews

User Rating: 5 / 5 Please Rate Tyre: Determines automatic tire wear for the GP to be run. For a good strategy, as well as finding a good setup and locate the fuel needed to finish the GP is a key role in choosing the most suitable compound and based on which decide the number of Pit Stop to be made. After a careful analysis based on the study of more than 100 GP, he arrived to find a formula that is able to determine the wear of each compound on each circuit analyzing hazards, temperature, humidity and other factors. The calculation although in many cases turns out to be quite accurate, it may have a margin of error greater than + / - 5%, this mainly due to several factors which are not always easy to calculate, in the first instance if you are you can have a clear track wear different to us remains stuck in traffic and go slower, or those who commit too many mistakes in the race. For a good strategy usually you should do when the PIT Pneumatic is around 18%, below this value, the lap time rises significantly reaching even to more than 2 seconds behind the wheel spins with good.

( Roy Mitchell @ August 11th 2014,17:36:13 ) If your asking about the GO program. Read the beginning of the thread for the original designer of the program. No Roy, he is asking for an online app called GPRO Database (you can google it). It's an online application developed by some unknown person that gives some tools that aid practice, OA calc, weather conversion and I think some fuel stuff, and some tyre calculations.

You input your data that is stored for you to use, although there is no indication if it used by someone else. I have some of its performance and I know it is not perfect, but it can aid a rookie. Unfortunately 1) It doesn't teach you, so people using it will never learn the game. 2) Your data is not secured.

GPRO tools - Setup calculator, Fuel Consumption, Tyre wear, Car wear, Setup weather change, Strategy for race, Total setup (all calculators on one page) Main Total setup Car setup Car setup change Fuel consumption Tyre wear Car wear Car wear plan Wing split Sponsors Weather analysis VIP. GPRO tools - Setup calculator, Fuel Consumption, Tyre wear, Car wear, Setup weather change, Strategy for race, Total setup (all calculators on one page). ( Roy Mitchell @ August 11th 2014,17:36:13 ) If your asking about the GO program. Read the beginning of.

(GO on the other hand has been checked not to send data toanybody, it just communicates to GPRO for data gathering and receives info from the GO site to veify version) (Group ) Posts: 1791 Country: Certified. ( Eduardo Sanchez Carenzo @ August 11th 2014,17:45:20 ) It's an online application developed by some unknown person that gives some tools that aid practice, OA calc, weather conversion and I think some fuel stuff, and some tyre calculations. You input your data that is stored for you to use, although there is no indication if it used by someone else. Undoubtedly that data IS used by someone else. There's no other reason for building a massive, centralized database of people's GPRO data other than to use it for analysis. Even if that wasn't the original intent behind it, it's very reasonable to assume that's what it's being used for these days.

It's actually almost clever. You give people a 'free' tool that collects their data and puts it into your database. In return, you give them a practice and qualifying setup calculator that isn't 100% accurate, but is good enough to attract the use of a fair number of people who don't know any better.

(Group ) Posts: 1054 Country: Certified. Serial number idm gratis.